Restoration House is a house of prayer that at the core imitates the scene in heaven of night and day worship and prayer. It is also a place of prayer that supports the local churches of the community.

This house is a place of encouragement, joy, and restoration, where there are no distinctions between young and old, rather there are mentoring relationships between all ages. Restoration House facilitates healing and wholeness and breathes life into the community by serving and loving well.

  • ​ We believe in building the Kingdom of God and our longing is for God to bring unity to our region.
  • ​We believe that Jesus is worthy of night and day adoration through excellent and skillful musicians and singers.
  • ​We believe prayer and worship will change our region and God will pour out His Spirit here.
  • ​We believe that when people receive inner healing, they can truly walk in their God-given identities and destinies with no limitations.

​(Our mandate is to help prepare the Bride of Christ through facilitating healing and restoration to those who are broken and wounded. We do this through our inner healing ministry called Heart Garden Ministries. Please visit heartgardenministries.org for more info. We are called to teach and equip the Body of Christ to walk in their calling and fulfill their destinies.)


View our Prayer Room schedule and let us know how you would like to participate.